Promises & Policies
Brand Promise
At Yoga Pointe we believe in challenging the body to balance the mind and emotions. We create an open, inclusive space where you can embark on a journey that will transform you, no matter who you are.
In our signature heated classes, you’ll have a very motivating physical experience that will leave you physically and mentally detoxified. Expect to work hard, then experience a profound and healing catharsis. This is where the magic happens, promise!
If your practice calls for a calmer pace, we also offer non-heated classes to leave you feeling grounded and stress-free.
We believe that the physical component of yoga is just the beginning. Once the stress and tension in your body has been released, we empower you to use other yogic tools such as mindfulness and self-study to explore your own ways of being in this world – shifting your inner experiences of your mind and emotions towards balance.
We are more than a yoga studio; we are a truly compassionate community of teachers and students who lift each other up -- out of the darkness and into the light!
Core Values
Connection and Belonging
At Yoga Pointe, we welcome individuals from all walks of life and we value you! Upon arriving at the studio, we want to hear about your day, what is important to you, and what you need. We strive to create a personalized healing experience. YOU first, then yoga.
Physical Yoga as an Opening
Our signature heated classes are deep physical experiences with a very specific intention: to help you calm your mind and tap into your innate potential. We use the physical practice of yoga as a tool to help you quiet and organize your mind so you can emerge into clarity and calm. While many of our classes are a challenge, their purpose is really to help you connect with the present moment and open to experience profound release. We know that when we live from a place of deep inner knowing, can we experience all the peace and joy life has to offer.
Yoga Pointe promises to create an environment that is caring, supportive, respectful, and inclusive.
We will do our part to create this experience and respectively ask that you do your part as well by following these studio policies.
ARRIVE A MINIMUM OF 5-10 MINUTES BEFORE CLASS START TIME Classes begin on time; late arrivals disrupt other students, the teacher, & the overall experience for everyone; we rarely accept late students.
CELL PHONE/SMART WATCHES AND YOGA ARE FRENEMIES Once you arrive, please mute them. A yoga studio is a serene environment, hearing notifications, alarms, & phones ringing, adds to the stress that we are trying to diminish.
A YOGA MAT = PERSONAL SPACE The mat is a physical representation of a person’s personal space. Please refrain from stepping on their bliss. Step around other mats, towels, and yoga props.
PLEASE STAY FOR SAVASANA (FINAL RELAXATION) The last few minutes of class are the most important. The final rest, savasana, seals the intention of the yoga practice. Leaving early shortchanges your experience and the disruption of packing up, walking around, opening the door, & leaving, unsettles the experience for all the other students. It’s only a few minutes, you deserve to stay and relax! *If there is an exception and you must leave, please let the teacher know before class begins, place your mat by the door, quietly exit before final savasana begins and leave the props in your space and we will put them away. Also, please wait to spray/clean your mat once you get home.
WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS This is our favorite mantra! Yoga plainly means ‘to join’ and at Yoga Pointe we join in meaningful ways. We can each do this by considering how our speech and behaviors influences ourselves & others, showing the utmost respect for every human, for smiling at each other, asking each other about our day, and just by being caring humans.
Kids’ Policies
We do offer kids’ yoga classes weekly so check out our class schedule. For all other classes here's what you need to know:
As safety is our primary concern, children may not be left unattended in our lobby. Any student under 18 years of age must have a parent/guardian’s signature on a Yoga Pointe waiver. This may be completed at the studio or downloaded here.
Non-Heated Yoga Classes
Students 13 and over are welcome to attend any of our non-heated classes, with a parent, that is appropriate for their level of physical and emotional health. Our classes are designed for adults so may not be best at engaging young minds. For children under the age of 13, please contact Yoga Pointe by text at (863) 250 3457.
Heated Yoga Classes
Students 16 years old and older who are free from health issues and injuries can attend the heated classes.
Membership Changes
Yoga Pointe Membership are flexible and we don’t require contracts.
We do have some procedures that we ask our members to be aware of and follow to help us manage our memberships.
Cancellation Policy for Memberships
All memberships are non-refundable, non-exchangeable and non-transferable.
Memberships are to be used only by one student and cannot be shared.
To upgrade or downgrade your membership to Bliss (unlimited) or to Mini (4x monthly)
Membership changes must be in writing by completing the online form here Membership Changes
Please request the change 30 days BEFORE the next autorenewal date
If you emailed regarding your membership change but have not received a response within 4 business days, please text at (863) 250-3457
To Pause your membership
Memberships can be placed on a pause ONCE per ‘membership year’ for a minimum of 14 days and maximum of 31 days
Please request the change 30 days BEFORE the next autorenewal date
Membership pause requests must be in writing by completing the online form here Membership Pause
If you emailed regarding your membership pause but have not received a response within 3 business days, please text at (863) 250-3457
To Cancel your Membership
If you cancel your membership and later renew, it will be at the current membership rate at the time of the new membership purchase
Please request the cancellation 30 days BEFORE the next autorenewal date
Requests to cancel that are made after autorenewal cannot be refunded
Membership cancellation requests must be in writing by completing the online form here Membership Cancellation
If you emailed regarding your membership change but have not received a response within 3 business days, please text at (863) 250-3457
For any membership questions:
Email us
Text us (863) 250-3457